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Each vessel in this series focuses on two textures: agateware marbling on the outside and fine contours on the inside. Cohesive as the entire series is, it is clear upon closer inspection that each bowl has its own unique visual textures.

To create the fine interior contours, the mold must be rotated consistently and evenly during the slip-casting process. While such method may seem demanding and time-consuming, the rhythm and routine brings me peace. With porcelain slip cast layer upon layer, the interior of each vessel retains the gradual change in colours while the flow of coloured slip and natural marbling is captured on its outer surface.

Inspired by the different hues of blue found in nature, this series focuses on the calmness within nature and draws away from the fast paced society. It invites audiences to take a moment and appreciate the beauty of life in all its details.

Slip-casting is commonly used to mass manufacture replicable objects in ceramics. However, the adapted slip-casting technique used to develop this series reflects on the value of human touch in craft and how each functional object may be given its unique features despite its ubiquity.